XT660 Forum

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    Was hilft


    Anzahl der Beiträge : 15

    Was hilft Empty Was hilft

    Beitrag von Heckenmeister Di 24 Jan 2023, 23:55

    Vorweg alle Daten kommen aus dem Backup des GB Forum.

    Dachte, dass es Anderen auch eine Hilfe sein könnte. Angemerkt es sind ungefähre Werte von einer Person gemessen. Ich guck mal ob ich die nächsen Tage wieder Zeit finde das durchzugehen ist ein ziemlicher Batzen an Daten, wer will kann sie auch selbst runter laden und auf die Suche gehen:bounce:

    +Standard filter, snorkel removed, Kev air box mod. = 0.5HP

    +Stage 1 filter & snorkel removed = 1.2 HP

    +Kev fuel mod, no other mods. = 1.6HP

    +Kev fuel mod, Kev air box mod, snorkel removed, standard filters. = 2.4HP (As sold on Ebay)

    +Carbon Cans only. = 2.2HP

    +DNA stage 2 filter only, standard main filter = 3.1HP. (Best gain in HP & torque for your money.)

    +Stage1 & 2 DNA Filters snorkel removed. = 3.8HP

    +Kev fuel mod, Kev airbox mod stage 1 & 2 filters, snorkel removed. = 4.2HP (As sold on Ebay)

    +Kev fuel mod, Kev airbox mod, no filters. = 4.8HP (Which shows there is still a 1/2 HP to get from the air box)

    +PCIII. = 2.0HP but your fueling is correct over the whole fuel range & power is improved across the whole rev range. Test was with ccc, stage 1 & 2 filters snorkel removed airbox drilled. The gain would be less if the PCIII was on a standard bike with no mods.

    DNA stage 3 Air Box Mod + PCIII custom fuel map + Cans = 8.33 HP gain. 53.33hp at the rear wheel

    +Kev fuel mod, Airbox & filter mod, CCC, baffles removed, TPS set to 25. = 6.6HP . 51.6hp at the rear wheel

    *Stage 1 Hot Cam = A gain of 4.63 HP at 6500rpm & 7.14 HP at the rev limiter 7200rpm. (With this cam you loose Torque & HP below 5500RPM but with great top end HP & Torque.)

    *Kev. Big Bore 700 11:1 piston by it's self no other mods = A gain of 3.2 HP & 4.18 Ft-lbs more Torque on top of the mods you have already on your bike. (With the big bore you have a gain across the whole rev range, with no loss any where in the rev range.)

    Freez. Ported Head no other mods = A gain of 3HP

    Kev. +2mm bigger throttle body = 2HP to 3HP depending on your mods. http://www.xt660.com/showthread.php?t=9621

    Freez. Ported head stage 2 cam = A gain of 7.32HP@ 6300RPM & a gain in torque of 6.1 FT-LBs @ 6300 52.32 at the rear wheel

    *Kev. XT700 686cc Raptor cylinder, 102mm 11:1 piston with Hot Cam stage 1, Stage 1 & 2 filters, PCIII, Carbon Can Exhausts, snorkel removed = 13.53HP @ 6500rpm. 10.71 FT-LBs @ 5300rpm 57hp at the rear wheel http://www.xt660.com/showthread.php?t=5895

    Freez.XT700 686cc rebore XT660, ported head, 102mm 11:1 piston, Hot Cam stage1, stage 1 & 2 filters, Dynatek fuel injection controller, Leo Vince pipes = 15.29 @ 6450rpm 60.29hp at the rear wheels

    Marcel. XT700 700cc 103mm rebored|Nicasil cylinder, JE piston moded head to CR 11,3:1|ported head (OTR)|Tuned cam (OTR)|PCIII|BSM exhausts +4mmØ larger exhaust pipes (OTR)|DNA stage 1 & 2 Filters. = 16.28HP @ 6600rpm. 10.99FT-LBs @ 5450rpm 61.28hp at the rear wheel

    Marcel. XT700 700cc 103mm rebored|Nicasil cylinder, JE piston moded head to CR 11,3:1|ported head (OTR)|Tuned cam (OTR)|PCIII|DNA stage 1 & 2 Filters, 2in2 +4mm OTR headers - BSM silencer and linkpipe - +2TB. = 19.68HP@ 6500rpm. 12.35FT/LB@ 5500rpm 64.68HP at the rear wheel
    Kev. XT660X standard motor, PCIII, DNA stage 3 air box. Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam, Carbon can exhausts 14HP gain @ 7000rpm 59HP at the rear wheel.

    Momentanes Setup:

    Akra 2in1
    Stage 1 und 2 Airbox
    PC III
    ZX10 Bremspumpe

    L.S. mag diesen Beitrag


    Männlich Anzahl der Beiträge : 319
    Mein Motorrad : XT 660R
    Weitere Bikes : Tenere 700, ZRX1200R

    Was hilft Empty Re: Was hilft

    Beitrag von Allesschrauber Mi 25 Jan 2023, 20:41

    ....könnte schon gleich in die Garage starten....🤣und los schrauben....nur viel zu kalt.🤗

    Grüße aus dem Norden

      Aktuelles Datum und Uhrzeit: Fr 17 Jan 2025, 02:18